Rethink: Out of Discovery

We officially moved CSUMB.EDU Rethink out of the "discovery" phase with Four Kitchens and into week two of Design (FYI our first Build phase starts in mid-April).


As a result, we worked on finalizing our S.M.A.R.T. Goals from the end of the Discovery phase. S.M.A.R.T. is an acronym for specific, measurable, assignable, realistic and time-related goals.
  • By [date], I can see CSUMB information (e.g. pool hours) on my smart phone without pinching and zooming.
  • By [date], users can create a profile that is available across multiple sections of the site.
  • By [date], CSUMB staff have an editing tool that is easy to use but flexible enough to allow them to create varied content with an emphasis on quality assurance.
  • By [date], users can login directly from the CSUMB.EDU front page.
  • Post at least two blog posts per month beginning the week of 2/24 and ending at 8/1.
Here's our previous post on the goals from Discovery.


Most of the design work right now is focused on usability work we've already done in the preceding months on campus, which evidently saved us a chunk of change.

We've been working on personas based on the card sorting exercises Liz MacDonald has been conducting across campus with a variety of stakeholders.

From that work, Four Kitchens has asked us to create content maps (i.e. flowcharts) of the information architecture of typical services offered by the university that utilize the goals of our users in those exercises.
